We investigate. We educate.
And ultimately, we motivate.
Our mission is to protect natural, scenic, recreational, and agricultural lands across mid-Michigan through ongoing educational initiatives. As each year passes, our goal is to keep more land undeveloped, unexploited – untouched – in perpetuity.
In short, our overarching goal is to engage the residents of mid-Michigan in the act of protecting the lands they cherish.
How and Where We Work
MMLC collaborates with landowners and conservation partners to permanently protect natural land and farmland in mid-Michigan. The organization is qualified to receive tax-deductible donations of conservation easements on land and gifts of land. MMLC works in Ingham, Eaton, Clinton, Ionia, Shiawassee, Hillsdale, and Jackson counties. It is funded by donations from members and others, with occasional funding from grants.
Mid-Michigan Land Conservancy is a charitable, non-profit land protection organization registered with the State of Michigan and the Internal Revenue Service and is covered by Section 501(c)© of the federal tax code. It is operated by a Board of Directors consisting of local residents, and has a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. All are volunteers.
Our Roots:
MMLC had its beginnings in a local conservation organization, The Natural Areas Association, founded in 1979 by residents of the Lansing area. In 2002, at the request of the membership, the organization’s supporters, and residents in mid-Michigan, the mission of The Natural Areas Association was changed to that of a land conservancy. In 2003, the Mid-Michigan Land Conservancy officially came into being.
Mid-Michigan Land Conservancy is a charitable, non-profit land protection organization registered with the State of Michigan and the Internal Revenue Service and is covered by Section 501© of the federal tax code. It is operated by a Board of Directors consisting of local residents, and has a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. All are volunteers.