Meet our new Executive Director
In February 2023, MMLC hired Jared Harmon to be our Executive Director. To say that Jared’s background is impressive would be an understatement. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in environmental sciences (with a specialization in natural resources) from Northern Michigan University, and a Master’s in Public Administration, also from Northern.
Before joining Mid-Michigan Land Conservancy, Jared held several roles in Conservation Districts to promote habitat protection. He led a cooperative on invasive species management, spearheaded pheasant and pollinator habitat restoration, and assisted local farmers in establishing conservation practices on private lands. Jared also worked on trail maintenance at Isle Royale National Park, and for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service protecting Kirtland’s Warblers.
As impressive as Jared’s work credentials are, they are equally matched by the work he does during his free time. This includes operating his fourth-generation family farm on which he raises cattle, gamebirds, and some very friendly pack-goats. As the steward of his family’s land, Jared is passionate about implementing practices that will improve habitat for wildlife and pollinators.
We’re confident that Jared will take MMLC’s work to new heights. Take a minute to send a quick email and welcome him.